[RAGE] Raging SuperNOOBs

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Created: 2014-04-14

21,338 / 57,000

413h 35m
Danish Noob-clan!
Teamwork(!) is the way to succes!

If you are NOT familiar with the term "PTO/PTFO" or known to "Squad-Order, then you should google it, learn it, do it and have (even more) fun playing BF4.
If you are unable to succeed in understanding and accomplish so, I guess it's 1 of these 2 reasons..

1; You are not old enough by buy or play the game.

2; You have some sort of a malfunction, that simply makes it impossible for you (in this case i feel sorry for you, and wish you the best of luck!).

In both cases I would strongly recommend you to put on your shoes, go back to the store (bringing your BF4-game), sell it or exchange it to something more suitable (I suggest maybe "Little Big Planet")

No Fireline, that's the gameplan...


hey hvad spiller i mest her i klanen?? :D
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hej Mikkel9990.
Undskyld den meget sene tilbagemelding.
det er længe siden nogle af Adm. har været på battlelog og jeg selv har spillet på en anden bruger (men er nu vendt tilbage).
Vi spiller primært "Rush", men er ellers spiller vi bare hvad folk har lyst til, så længe folk bare kan finde ud af at arbejde sammen og hygge sig med spillet;)
10 years ago