[2cut] 2cut is BACK

Created: 2023-08-15

521 / 11,000

13h 47m
Welcome to 2cut, This clan was active from 2014-2022, we are keeping this platoon in this state as a testament to all the members that have been a part of this journey. See full Presentation for all the members.

Go check out our story on our Blog - https://2cutknifeonly.wordpress.com/2022/10/18/2cuts-history/ [2cutknifeonly.wordpress.com]
Our Gallery - https://2cutknifeonly.wordpress.com/2022/10/18/2cut-gallery/ [2cutknifeonly.wordpress.com]
Our Memoirs - https://2cutknifeonly.wordpress.com/2022/10/11/memoirs-of-2cut/ [2cutknifeonly.wordpress.com]

Senormachete01, pantic62(Pantikku), mikekiller-46, jcon97, Deadmau5Youtube, Joao_S_L(Kodokuri), Klufe, pandas_conquest9, KillswitchWARGOD, zaky05, McFab500(IMawreo/Mawreos), yimmitbat, Demzir, WRXplicit, cekkichaun, Ghost_Lenn17, Martu47(PingCrimson-), bryste1977, paemicaEC, wingrove45, archtravis, DoughnutDon98, robinSTYRUM, Kaiza-GGO samo_VOLT, Manafest_King(Yuuji_i), llgatsby, Django_Freeman007, ITSFRIDAYTHE13TH, Gianluca351, Hector_TheGamer, l-Kitsumii-l, BSQ-Yoshi, kingofthekippax, Blademonke, MaxDeanDean, CCuteness, Biiizzz--, XsulivangamerX, kk12506, Glitch_investiga, AloneSoul614, Alpha_Scorpion13, aury_MMA_LEONI, bones2769, Beasty3oy, chickentar, Crash2aX_x, locutusut, El_Torreto23, Extazuya, ghalai_my103, FINknifer, Noobdude250, HaCk-GaMiNgZ, tone507, JinsokuShi, xxDjDeLux_CrAZy, MATON6969, Lilbadass67, Kevnito99, FrightNight020, SMOOTHOP2001, kappi495_scarlet, killerdragon3_0, LightKnight00, R-Hardcore-P, VII-Crow, Blank550, Ryankaye1, Red_Spartan_pt, wrigoman, x_BeastKnifer, KAKUKAKULAG, Viper71, Wound_EaGle, sakurasaku219, pandahero777, NoCapDeadOppz, Tresh_Sniper, NukezFireEu-, ii97ir, onkelfarfar204, aliko79, TAZENATOR-2, Zrewio, gold_snow123, Frogaider, saliminossa, ale03car, invinatypower, iH_RocKeT, CAP_CARLETON, V1ruzZ__XiM, one_Gboy01, vDqtox, adam_beastson, SuperTriceps, ShAdOw_bLaDe736, ISlaYeDyou234, zavty-

-Steve himself created a perfect replica of 2cut, I am the new jcon


Can you accept i was in the 1 time but now im not in the clan
1 year ago • 0 Like