[ENG] England Clan

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Website: www.england-clan.co.uk • Created: 2014-02-27

16,529,125 / 3,306,000

5437h 58m
Please apply via our website
www.england-clan.co.uk [england-clan.co.uk]

Applications directly to the platoon will be rejected.

Created in 2006, England-Clan are a well established European friendly gaming community with a wide range of members all over the world. We currently own 3 ranked Battlefield 4 servers and a 512 slot Teamspeak voip server.
With an established website and active forums England-Clan has been around for many years with certainly many years to follow. We actively run popular fun and match events on our three Battlefield 4 servers. We own a 512 slot open Teamspeak server for everyone to use when playing their favourite games.

We have two ENG War Team Divisions, Lions and Wolves made of dedicated competitive members of different skills. Currently in Battlefield 4 we have consecutively won all 10 of 10 BF4 matches.

We are a legitimate gaming community and do not accept cheating, any form of hacking or game modifications, and the use of scripts and macros in open play. We offer active clan members administrator powers across our Battlefield servers to encourage fair play and well maintained servers.The only other requirements we look for are that you speak clear English, and are over the age of 18.

We would like to invite you to follow our Battlelog platoon, drop in for a chat on our Teamspeak server if you so wish to introduce yourself and have a couple of matches with us. Feel free to sign up to the forums and chat to some of our existing members and clan friends. See on you on the Battlefield!

>> Check out our Website : http://www.England-Clan.co.uk [england-clan.co.uk]
>> Join our Teamspeak Server : ts3.england-clan.co.uk (no pass required)

>> Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/England_Clan [twitter.com]
>> Follow us on Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/englandclan [twitch.tv]
>> Subscribe to our Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/EnglandClanChannel [youtube.com]
>> Join our Steam Group : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/england-clan [steamcommunity.com]
>> Add us in your circles : https://plus.google.com/110793960504091836436 [plus.google.com]
>> Watch Our DeviantArt : http://englandclan.deviantart.com/ [englandclan.deviantart.com]


http://www.england-clan.co.uk/news/clan-announcement/battlefield-4-multi-clan-64-man-event-match [england-clan.co.uk]

Clans SAS, UWG, Deranged Gamers, ADK, FROG and RMR will be joining our teamspeak and game servers for some friendly multi-clan banter. All the action will be hosted on England Clan's vehicle server playing all vehicle maps, other than Lancang Dam. Join England Clan's teamspeak server this Saturday for lots of fun, banter and new faces!

ENG soldiers reserve you slot by signing up on our clan forums...
10 years ago • 2 likes
10 years ago
Da he dezevez iet
10 years ago
I have one word for you all:

Leecore is the best playar of the wold
10 years ago • 1 Like
off the univurs*
10 years ago
Fantastic scrim against you guys just then, one of the best.

Well played lads!

10 years ago • 2 likes
I didn't like it at all, go away. You'll never see this face again..
10 years ago
I think Leecore are very good player. He deserve ze leader titel.
10 years ago • 2 likes
lol Leecore do you have a second battlelog account? xD
10 years ago
10 years ago
I've never seen so much noobs in a row. Seriously, using noobish and overpowered guns in clan wars is extremely low.

Very disappointed, especially from an english unit.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi, we are interested in a match, 5v5 or 8v8 or even better 10v10. Domination ESL rules. Not sure how to make it fare due to ping and such, most of us can keep below 60 on UK servers. But first, maybe feel up each other a bit? For game, contact me or DrakePake1. Cheers guys!
10 years ago • 0 Like
fair, sry for my spelling.
10 years ago
I can feel you up mate, i'll hook you in the gabber
10 years ago
Im from Liverpool, England, 16 and got a mic. Can i join?
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hi mate, you have to make an application on our website. Usually we don't accept under 18's but it depends on your application. Good Luck ^^
10 years ago
I don't think so mate
10 years ago
fuck the ENG clan
2 years ago • 0 Like
HI Guys we are Area 51 Platoon we currently run 3 servers RUSH CONQUEST and a LA DICE CAMO unlock server and we are looking for other platoons for a friendly clan match please drop us a line if you are interested.

6 years ago • 0 Like
(ENG) Amstel_Arni : Fuck Cheater & Hacker Platoon
6 years ago • 0 Like
so just waiting for some1 today to acsept me into the platoon
8 years ago • 0 Like
PCW 8v8 cq small?
8 years ago • 0 Like
hi all, 0range here again am starting playing a bit more BF4 again so hopefully see some of you again soon. am in TS now n will stay in to see if anyone pops in today cheers 0range
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey! I have applied to join on the website!


9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello there

Thanks for a good clan war on October 10, it was a pleasure to play against you
and we are already looking forward to the next match. :)

We are new in BF4 clan war arena, and it has been difficult for us to find some opponents, so it was really cool that you were ready for a fight.

(Founder of The Drunken Danish Rats)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/8238305831878666130/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
hello ENG just to let you know (PUC) we have a server running atm
we have fair admins and good games,

https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/a0bed996-97ee-4349-a5f4-524c8faf72f2/PUC-Conquest-Large-Naval-Strike-Other-Maps/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

if you have any questions you can add me

many thanks
9 years ago • 0 Like
hey its robz
9 years ago • 0 Like
chaps we do a similar thing every friday @ 2000 uk time- classic mode friendly fire on
3 maps 1 round per map.


Anyone interested please jump on our teamspeak ts.dead-friends.co.uk or post on our platoon feed

9 years ago • 0 Like