[Sir] Battlefield Knights

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Website: www.battlefieldknights.com • Created: 2014-02-27

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2217h 18m

R.I.P. RandomAvatar

I miss you brother! See you on the Battlefield Sir!


We are looking for ADULT Battlefield Hardline players. If you have a job, your own place and have bills to pay, you are one of us.
We are always looking for new members in our platoon, but are currently looking for people of our own age to hang out with. Just chat and have a few drinks and a couple of rounds of Hardline after work.

Before you join us, make sure you are what we are looking for:

You are an adult, with a job, wife, house with NO SCREAMING KIDS in the background.
You have a headset, you use it always and you SPEAK ENGLISH.
Of course you have a PS4 and play a lot of Hardline
You at least played several titles from the Battlefield series, you are like us die hard Battlefield crazy.
We play for fun and keep rage to a minimum. However, we all have our #%^%#@ off days.

We prefer it if you also have BF4 on the PS4. Some of also play Destiny until we get bored by the endless repetition.

http://join.battlefieldknights.com [join.battlefieldknights.com]

You get bonus points if :
you know who Steve Austin is
if you know what happens in the last episode of Magnum
you can name the captain of the Pink Submarine

Anyways, click the link to join ---> http://join.battlefieldknights.com [join.battlefieldknights.com]
Make sure you add Hideyoshii and Tabasaki on PSN (not just Battlelog!)

See you soon!
9 years ago • 1 Like
If you are not getting approved in 24 hrs, email me at info@battlefieldknights.com
9 years ago
Hello, my name is Jacob, and i want to join into your platoon. Im 24 years old, and Im from Poland, but im sure that it will not be any problem for you. Im looking for serious Battle on Ps3 (unfortunally i dont have a ps4 anymore :( ), I have a Skype too. You can add me if it will be needed. My nick on Skype is "kumipa 4" Kuba Baranowski. Im waiting for your accept :)
7 years ago
Want to join the BK or just stay in touch?

Sign up for our website: www.BattlefieldKnights.com [battlefieldknights.com]
10 years ago • 15 likes
2 / 53 comments Read more
well hello!! been a long time old friends from bf3
9 years ago
I would like to join this active platoon already applied
9 years ago
6 years ago • 0 Like