[i420] Incredibowl

Website: www.reddit.com/r/incredibowlgaming • Created: 2014-05-05

19,580 / 26,000

249h 27m
Welcome to the Incredibowl platoon page! Incredibowl Industries is a Colorado-based company that makes the worlds best smoking systems. If you haven't heard of us, you can find out more at theincredibowl.com.

Why does a pipe company have a Battlefield platoon?

Simple - everyone that works at Incredibowl is a part of one video game community or another. We think outside the box, and that applies to how we communicate with the people who use our products. We have genuine interactions when we are able to engage directly with our customers. Our logo and gamertags get recognized pretty frequently already; why not create the opportunity to play with the people who already love our products?

Ok, so what about your Battlefield servers?


- Please be 21 or older. While we can't and won't prevent someone younger from playing, we can't guarantee the mic chatter will be suitable for your ears. You will not be eligable to win any of our prizes if you are younger than 21. By joining the server or platoon you are confirming that you are 21 or older.
- We will host a server that plays the best maps and modes. If that server runs a constant queue, we will rent another one.
- There are no weapon/gear restrictions.
- Intentional teamkilling and same-team vehicle stealing are prohibited, and may result in a kick, ban, or ejection from the platoon.
- Mic use is encouraged! This game is at it's best when you can communicate and work with your teammates. While not a rule, we reserve the right to kick if there's a queue and you're not talkin'.
- Stay on the map. If you are found in an area that isn't supposed to be accessible by design (if you have to glitch), you'll be kicked.
- Don't be derogatory, racist, sexist, obscene or immature.
- We will do our best to select admins that are fair and active. While we can't afford to employ people to admin our servers, we can certainly incentivize the right people with Incredibowl products in an effort to provide the best server experience possible. Not every admin will be an Incredibowl employee! If you're interested in being an admin, PM IncredibowlMike.

The idea here is simple. We aren't here to advertise our products on Battlefield servers. Our goal is to use some of our company resources to make a better gaming experience. We have a subreddit dedicated to the games that Incredibowl employees and fans play. There, you can meet other folks who play on your platform and participate in Incredibowl product giveaways. You can complain about what we're doing poorly and give us some ideas of what we can do better. Suggest more games and how we can contribute (prizes for tournaments, server rentals, etc) to those respective communities.

No advertising, huh? What are you getting out of it?

The goal of advertising is to gain exposure with those that you want to learn about your product. The gaming community is far from just kids; as gamers age, the crossover between our industry and gaming is expanding. We feel that, with the rise of e-sports and gaming in general, exposure will be incredibly valuable. While we will be more than happy to answer any questions you have, we promise that you will not hear us blabbering about our products. Our contests will not require anything that resembles a "get your friends to sign up" campaign, or anything that could lead to our fans blabbering. If you hear anything about our stuff, we would prefer it be genuine.

Of course, signing on to a server that's paid for by work and full of teammates working together every time we play would be nice, too!

Feel free to join up! You don't need to be a platoon member to play in the server, but you will need the Incredibowl soldier emblem active to win products for clip of the week! We will also post coupon codes privately on our platoon page. If you have any questions, hit us up on our Incredibowl gaming subreddit at:

I'm in. What do you expect of me as a member?

We're busy making and selling Incredibowls and we don't have as much time as we'd like to play our games. We know you're busy too. To make sure we're having fun with every minute we play, we only ask that you enjoy yourself and allowencourage others you play with to do the same. We would prefer our clan tag be associated with good people rather than recognized for winning.

-The Incredibowl Crew


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?