[DoC] Degrees of Cruelty
Website: degreesofcruelty.co.za/ •
Created: 2015-03-17
1168h 22m
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/website-banner-11.jpg [degreesofcruelty.co.za]
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/bf-hardline-recruitment.png [degreesofcruelty.co.za]
Voice Server Sponsored by:
http://www.mweb.co.za/Portals/20/Skins/GameZone/images/gamezone-logo.png [mweb.co.za]
Website Sponsored by:
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/onlinelogomaker-121515-1123-300x90.png [degreesofcruelty.co.za]
BF Hardline server Sponsored by:
http://www.auto-pro.co.za/images/autoprobanner_4.gif [auto-pro.co.za]
The good old days:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O01szbsL0Vw [youtube.com]
So who are we and what is new about us you may ask? We are the old school DoC from battlefiled 3 back in 2011 with that handful of friends and a new look and feel, one thing that has not changed is that we have our home back and our family has re-united once more but this time we not going anywhere.
We are also a casual group of gamers who enjoy the escape from life that gaming allows us to have. While we all may have families, work, chores, school, or any other "real-life" obligations we understand that gaming can be that outlet you may need.
Play how you were meant to, as part of a Team! Trust us when we say it is so much better being on a Team than playing as a random. Join a fun structured, active gaming community, and learn the real joys of gaming online!
To join us hit the apply to join button
Mumble: port 64738
Teamspeak: cptts.gameservers.com:9416
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Degrees-of-Cruelty-Gaming-Clan/1417286918511724 [facebook.com]
Once accepted throw on the DoC tags.
Email us: clan.teamdoc@gmail.com
DoC Gravatar Battleog Picture Use: clan.teamdoc@gmail.com
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/ [degreesofcruelty.co.za]
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/bf-hardline-recruitment.png [degreesofcruelty.co.za]
Voice Server Sponsored by:
http://www.mweb.co.za/Portals/20/Skins/GameZone/images/gamezone-logo.png [mweb.co.za]
Website Sponsored by:
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/onlinelogomaker-121515-1123-300x90.png [degreesofcruelty.co.za]
BF Hardline server Sponsored by:
http://www.auto-pro.co.za/images/autoprobanner_4.gif [auto-pro.co.za]
The good old days:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O01szbsL0Vw [youtube.com]
So who are we and what is new about us you may ask? We are the old school DoC from battlefiled 3 back in 2011 with that handful of friends and a new look and feel, one thing that has not changed is that we have our home back and our family has re-united once more but this time we not going anywhere.
We are also a casual group of gamers who enjoy the escape from life that gaming allows us to have. While we all may have families, work, chores, school, or any other "real-life" obligations we understand that gaming can be that outlet you may need.
Play how you were meant to, as part of a Team! Trust us when we say it is so much better being on a Team than playing as a random. Join a fun structured, active gaming community, and learn the real joys of gaming online!
To join us hit the apply to join button
Mumble: port 64738
Teamspeak: cptts.gameservers.com:9416
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Degrees-of-Cruelty-Gaming-Clan/1417286918511724 [facebook.com]
Once accepted throw on the DoC tags.
Email us: clan.teamdoc@gmail.com
DoC Gravatar Battleog Picture Use: clan.teamdoc@gmail.com
http://degreesofcruelty.co.za/ [degreesofcruelty.co.za]