[PUB] The Pub

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Website: www.facebook.com/groups/1721588454764361/ • Created: 2014-02-27

42,599,194 / 3,306,000

12568h 5m
The Pub AUS & NZ Battlefield Platoon
Teamwork. Comms. Leadership. Respect. PTFO!

Join us on BF4/BF1.

42 million Clan points, that is a bloody big number!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mkidP2OUCk [youtube.com]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uimTGnJF2A8 [youtube.com]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTjvG4WJD_A [youtube.com]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML9h3I5Uktw [youtube.com]

With over 42 million points and counting, The Pub is the #1 Battlefield 4 Platoon in all of Australasia.

Always open to friendly scrims!

Think you have what it takes to join The Pub? We currently seeking all-around players who value teamwork and objective play in a casual, non-political environment. Join us for a game and a laugh, and apply within or message one of our Leaders on Battlelog or Xbox.

Big Harryy
Orbitz TE
Poison Lace
Spank Me Santa


3 years ago • 0 Like
Back in the day!

https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241188564019/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
3 years ago • 0 Like
Number 1 on the Planet for clan points (all platforms), the job is done and cheers PUB!!
4 years ago • 0 Like
nub and xim keep informing players that they are the ones keeping BF4 alive in Aus/NZ, the opposite is the truth....they are killing off BF4 on X BOX 1 at a much faster rate. They continue to cater the servers to themselves and buff the overated stats that they have (that seems to be the primary concern here). If they did NOT run the servers they have you would see more people ENJOYING BF4 in this region. Unfortunately it is what it is and the dictatorship will continue becuase they invest the time they have into being wankers. Cheers EVILSNIPES
6 years ago • 3 likes
40,000,000 Clan points.............nuff said !!
7 years ago • 0 Like
Dingo leave it with you bro, im nearly 42 im too old for admin, comp etc now rather its up to the next gen leaders and teams. If BF succeeds or falls over depends on the current leaders within the community to step up, remove the hate barriers and bring their boys into the wider recognition of other leading teams. So ill leave with you to discuss and possibly nominate some leaders to rep PUB at www.bfaunz.com in positions of admin mod support to Syphous.

I have no affiliation or kickback perks or secret agenda other than to see BF grow in Aus/NZ as its the purest shooting experience available (land sea & air) and needs dedicated community united to that cause.

Further, in terms of wider appeal it would be nice if Battlelogs was that all encompassing platform that linked Platoons, allowed onedrive or youtube vids and promoted youre voice in equal respect & reach but unless youre part of all communities (which is impossible) then youre just another random in the eyes of many, and unless EA DICE actually open their game to eSports youre nothing in the eyes of headset, controller, peripheral corporates that sponsor the games that do. Fact is BL should be the dogs balls but reality is youre getting a fraction of your branding/recognition from Battlelogs, as its platoon focus is insular by its nature. By that i mean youre accomplishments, stories, situations only appeal to those in the platoon.

Try joining in a discussion, posting in a forum thread and having someone reply directly to your point, let alone find it in a sea of a million voices across the world all chipping their 2 cents that buries and relegates your input down to nothing because each new poster pushes you further and further into the abyss of irrelevance that its not worth the effort in the first place and your contribution meaningless; and counter productive to the individual.

You guys play everyday with the very people your brand carries some weight, therefore youre very important to the wider community whether you realise or not.

Youve nailed the first part attracting and growing members, but whats the point if youre not using that identity actively balanced or measured comparitively against others as part of the whole, or at least growing the numbers to bare witness to your brand.

Its as i say the sound of one hand clapping...


Get your boys over there Dingo and help grow the bf xb1 base while you have the numbers that can make a difference. ; )
9 years ago • 6 likes
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Xbox 1...........Twilight zone ;)
9 years ago
Yeah ive not had access to stats for BF4, in game i do (not that matters 80% im on west coast servers) but yeah its been weird all game
9 years ago
Yo, was wondering if you guys had started a Platoon for BF1?
7 years ago • 0 Like
Chat with joey2552
7 years ago
Can I join you in the platoon?
7 years ago
Battlefield 4 Back Rage Montage https://youtu.be/dUglwvNTMq4 [youtu.be]
Not so much skill here but a few moments to show why I love this game, Please check it it out.
I missed an edit from about 1:05 to 1:20 I gets better after that.
8 years ago • 3 likes
Nice watch ;)
8 years ago
PUB either theres alot of you, or you kents would show up at a funeral!! youre like chicken maaaaaan "he's everywhere, he's everywhere brrrrrgggkk bra-bra-bra-brggrrkkk!

Hey guys, i just posted up a brief history of bf community in aus/nz on ANZACS platoon page. I wont do so again, but go visit there wall for a read.

The reason for contact me and Dingo go way back, he sent me an angry hatemail calling me a tankwhore on bfbc2 to which i angrily replied, then he said "alright alright calm down bro" haha little did i know he was going to grow a team in the years since to such epic proportions as PUB is today.

To cut a long story short there presents an opportunity to grow our own XBlive community on the back of BF4, and in view of R6seige, Star Wars Battlefront and The Division well before we even see BF5.

I understand what PUB represents, so its not a request to open you up to comp teams but rather bring you guys into the wider community where you can talk, contribute, share videos, grow your brand and standing within the community.

Why is this important? Any game that wants cred, deemed a professional community needs collective numbers from which to attract & appeal to potential sponsors. This goes for any comps or indeed any teams looking for support from the associated businesses that dable in eSports.

FYI sponsors value a gamer at $5 so to get $1000 or $2000 prizes or support you need 400 to 500 players together. Once you get corp support for your game THEN its deemed to have made it. Currently BF has no cred in this regard as no eSports functionality. So thats a long way off reality, weve tried, they only want COD but there was a time when COD was nothing, split amongst 2 sites, and no dedicated game mode. I was there, my mates were leaders within community

For creative individuals that have youtube accounts, do montages or just share their vids to their friendslist then having a larger community to share & promote your efforts is far more rewarding.

A few mths ago i got approached to join www.bfaunz.com but i no longer play comp, hardly been online last 6weeks but still realised the benefits of having our own aus/nz bf/shooter community.

So for weeks i was like yeah yeah and deferring msgs to later time. But im also firm believer in if you say youre gonna do something do it, instead of lip service.

So i said id help, get ball rolling and put the leaders of this community in touch with Syphous (owner of www.bfaunz.com) so they can come together and grow the BF brand and community in prep for upcoming shooters and indeed BF5.

Since you have such amazing numbers (youre like The Sorcerers Apprentice) when you kill one PUB they split into 2 more PUB, 2 PUB multiply into 4 PUB and before you know it you kents are all over me like a rash haha that the community really needs you to join in and contribute on a platform with other teams.

9 years ago • 5 likes
DINGO!!! Hey bud long time no speak
11 months ago • 1 Like
For BF4's 10 year anniversary I'm organizing a day that everyone gets back online one last time for a night of chaos.
Oceania servers, feel free to create an event for your region if you can build enough hype.
Would be nice to have 2 full servers running, join and invite your friends all are welcome.
https://fb.me/e/2Tj78nmhr?mibextid=Gg3lNB [fb.me]
1 year ago • 0 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
5 years ago • 0 Like
Hey i was wondering how or if i can join ?
7 years ago • 0 Like
hey dingo it is me GustyHyperion23
7 years ago • 2 likes
G'day fellas , great to see PUB in fine form on Friday nights in our server, if you could round up some clans to oppose would be wonderful keep up the good work.. I'm puzzled boys 100+ PUB members and only Fuzzie, Overlord and Vespie have nailed my PDP tag of me :p
9 years ago • 2 likes
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(Pointer sharpens his machete)
9 years ago
(Dingo drinks black coffee, and smiles)
9 years ago
8vs8? 10vs10? 12vs12? Whatever's ideal we'll do just message me on xbox! cW Pommy
Conquest Small
8 years ago • 0 Like
Please Can I join your platoon. redruM .
9 years ago • 2 likes
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What he said ;) Cheers Sleek.
9 years ago
Ive been playing with IKINGBONGALOT a lot. So will do. Thanks.
9 years ago
Can I please join your guys' clan.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Friend us up and join us in Chat/game mate.
9 years ago