[LoW] Lords Of War

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
Created: 2015-03-02

14,251,715 / 3,306,000

4093h 56m
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/14/1427684014-banniere-battlelog.png [image.noelshack.com]

Salut à tous !
La team LoW a pour but de rassembler des joueurs francophones voulant participer à des matchs ou à des tournoi dans l E.sport.
Nous jouons essentiellement en conquête.(autre mode possible)

critère de recrutement : ON
- Avoir au moins 18 ans +/- ou avoir un comportement mature
- Posséder un casque et micro
- Avoir un ratio de 1 minimum
- Être niv.70 minimum
- Avoir une connexion régulière.
- Être actif sur le battlelog (un minimum)
- Respecter les autres
- Porter emblème et plaque de l'équipe

Responsables du recrutement :
- 23molecule23
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/user/23molecule23/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
PSN : Molecule23

- Dilan96
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/user/dilan96/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

- Pharaon_Khephren
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/user/Pharaon_Khephren/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
PSN : Pharaon_Khephren

Pour l organisation de match contacter :

--------Saison 2015---------
MATCH Conquête :

LOW |3-1| ARX
LOW |4-0| VTFr
LOW |4-0| ARX
LOW |4-0| FR70
LOW |0-4| NEOZ
LOW |4-0| QNL
LOW |4-0| NXS
LOW |2-2| NEOZ
LOW |4-0| RpTr
LOW |4-0| DINO

Winter cup 2015 fini "1er"

LOW |3-1| QNL
LOW |4-0| LTT
LOW |4-0| TURK
LOW |3-1| NEOZ

Tournoi MNGt fini 4e

LOW |2-0| uFRA
LOW |2-0| LWF
LOW |0-2| CANI
LOW |0-2| MNG
LOW |0-2| BIK

One Cup Coalition Fini 4e / 13

LOW |0-4| FR19
LOW |4-0| AVG
LOW |1-3| uFRA
LOW |4-0| QNL
LOW |3-1| U4A
LOW |2-2| SALO
LOW |4-0| ARX
LOW |4-0| CQRT
LOW |1-3| EVOX
LOW |4-0| ARCH
LOW |4-0| U4AE

MATCH Domination :

LOW |0-2| GAX
LOW |1-2| R


vs MCGW? +34 654455870
5 years ago • 0 Like
Est-ce qu'il serait possible de rejoindre votre team ?
5 years ago • 0 Like
Me septan?
Soy de colombia
6 years ago • 0 Like
http://eu.clans.competitive.bf4.ps3.forumfree.it/ [eu.clans.competitive.bf4.ps3.forumfree.it]
7 years ago • 0 Like
hi! what about friendship kv match on rush 12-12 ps3 ? write in our clan chart!
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone,
The ESL Amateur organizes a tournament to get his best team of the PS3 community. That is why I send you this message today.
After long reflection and after noticing that many amateur tournament took place and that this happened often wrong. We decided to do a structured tournament in the rules of esports.
This tournament will take place from June 25th from 14h until July 3 when we have our winner.
Mode: Domination
Maps: ESL
Organization: 16 teams. Group + Bracket single elimination
Here is the link of the tournament: https://www.toornament.com/tournaments/57580ef3150ba0a6328b4568/ [toornament.com]

-Each Team can engage maximum 2 line up.
-A Line up should consist of 5 incumbent players and 3 substitutes. No player change will be tolerated. For the name of the substitute thank you to send by email to the following address: eslfranceps3@gmail.com
- The software of the tournament going to ask you the email address for each participant is enough for each player just put each participant.

Tournament :
-The Tournament will take place on the game mode domination.
-The Rules are that of conventional ESL. http://www.bf-france.com/battlefield-4/actualites/10173-les-nouvelles-regles-pour-l-esport-sur-battlefield.html [bf-france.com]

- 2 maps, the map is earned on the difference in ticket (for the finals if equality will play a third map (it will be drawn))
-All Teams is accept (any nationality)
The course :
-The Matches will delay of 10 minutes are scheduled to allow.
- Chicken Matches will be played from June 25 until June 25 14h evening.
- The finals will take place from 2 July (Quarter and Half) and the final on July 3.

So much for this tournament if you have any questions please contact the above address.
Be there for your glory and finally have made turn the message.
8 years ago • 0 Like
12vs12 conquer?
8 years ago • 0 Like
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/8951791032072056264/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] EUROPE TOURNAMENT look a link ;) add me ;)
9 years ago • 0 Like
salut a tous je cherche un 5V5 en domi chaud? ajoutez moi sur skype absofuryemc2 a bientot
9 years ago • 0 Like
Salut a tous sa dit un T5 domi?
répondez sur notre section
9 years ago • 0 Like
Salut ! La uFRA organise son tournoi en T5 Domination sur PS3 ! Vous êtes cordialement invité ! Veuillez postuler ! Merci !

Lien : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/platoons/view/9219903973573221563/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
9 years ago
no dsl merci
9 years ago
Belle Victoire les gas, je suis content pour vous. Enfin la LoW a la place quel mérite car c'est une grande section. GG amigos
9 years ago • 6 likes
Cimer pataia a plus
9 years ago
Bonjour a tous !

Joyeux Noël et passer de bonnes fêtes !
9 years ago • 1 Like
Merci a vous aussi les mecs
9 years ago
FELICITATIONS pour la winter cup !!! GG les gars
9 years ago • 3 likes
cw 5v5 dom?add me
9 years ago • 0 Like
Salut salut, j'organise un tournoi t8 conquête qui commencera vers janvier-fevrier, passez faire un tour sur la page, pour plus d'infos en plus de la description demandez moi en ami pour pouvoir parler voilà : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/platoons/view/8773729626128491495/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Merci !!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
hi bros
cw ? add me
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello LoW!
Proposes conquest (LoW vs V) 12 vs 12, this weekend (Saturday or Sunday). The rules, hour and maps to determine. Waiting for reply on this post :)
9 years ago • 2 likes
Hello ! 09/10 or 16/10 , 10vs10 , why not .
9 years ago