[MyOn] MyOnlineWAR
Website: www.my-online-war.eu/ •
Created: 2014-04-23
478h 11m
> > > Welcome to MyOnlineWAR.eu! < < <
-Gaming Is Entertainment-
We are an International Public Multigaming Community playing on Battlefield 4, Crysis 3 and many other games, since 2013.
We offer 2 BF4 servers. Our main server with 64 slots is the most well-known and most popular high-ticket conquest server to run both Vanilla and all DLC maps across all Asia! Our server runs vanilla maps only at night between 11PM and 11AM (GMT+7 Bangkok time) and all DLC maps during the day and in the evening between 11AM and 11PM! Our second server runs all Vanilla maps in Team Death Match with 32 slots and is officially the most popular TDM sever throughout Asia! We also offer a 30-slot Teamspeak 3 public server, open to everyone so that any player wishing to chat with his friends while playing on the MyOnlineWAR servers can do it in peace and quiet with a reliable and user-friendly voiceserver!
>> Our main Battlefield 4 server is : #1 MyOnlineWAR.eu ASIA | FULL CONQUEST 2000T | VANILLA+DLC
>> Our second Battlefield 4 server is : #2 MyOnlineWAR.eu ASIA | FULL TDM 400T | VANILLA
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/1ebc39d8-7dcd-4632-8bc5-b36e0978af55/1-MyOnlineWAR-eu-ASIA-FULL-CONQUEST-2000T-VANILLA-DLC/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/ac6d039e-7f44-415d-b388-52a02c0703d6/2-MyOnlineWAR-eu-ASIA-FULL-TDM-400T-VANILLA/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
>> Our TS3 server is : ts3-myonlinewar.verygames.eu
Application Requirements :
Remember that applying for this Battlelog platoon and getting accepted does not make one an Official Member of the MyOnlineWAR and does not grant one privileges reserved for Official Members. This platoon is the Community Fan platoon of MyOnlineWAR only. If you would like to apply for an Official Membership at MyOnlineWAR, please make sure you comply with the following requirements :
-Own Battlefield 4
-At least rank 20
-K/D ratio of at least 0.50
-Skill of at least 120
For more information about how to make your application, please visit our application webpage at : http://my-online-war.eu/?page_id=201 [my-online-war.eu]
Contacts :
CEO / Founder & Main Community Manager : LORD_WALLABI
Our website can be found at : http://www.my-online-war.eu/ [my-online-war.eu]
Our forum can be found at : http://forum.my-online-war.eu/ [forum.my-online-war.eu]
-Gaming Is Entertainment-
We are an International Public Multigaming Community playing on Battlefield 4, Crysis 3 and many other games, since 2013.
We offer 2 BF4 servers. Our main server with 64 slots is the most well-known and most popular high-ticket conquest server to run both Vanilla and all DLC maps across all Asia! Our server runs vanilla maps only at night between 11PM and 11AM (GMT+7 Bangkok time) and all DLC maps during the day and in the evening between 11AM and 11PM! Our second server runs all Vanilla maps in Team Death Match with 32 slots and is officially the most popular TDM sever throughout Asia! We also offer a 30-slot Teamspeak 3 public server, open to everyone so that any player wishing to chat with his friends while playing on the MyOnlineWAR servers can do it in peace and quiet with a reliable and user-friendly voiceserver!
>> Our main Battlefield 4 server is : #1 MyOnlineWAR.eu ASIA | FULL CONQUEST 2000T | VANILLA+DLC
>> Our second Battlefield 4 server is : #2 MyOnlineWAR.eu ASIA | FULL TDM 400T | VANILLA
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/1ebc39d8-7dcd-4632-8bc5-b36e0978af55/1-MyOnlineWAR-eu-ASIA-FULL-CONQUEST-2000T-VANILLA-DLC/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/ac6d039e-7f44-415d-b388-52a02c0703d6/2-MyOnlineWAR-eu-ASIA-FULL-TDM-400T-VANILLA/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
>> Our TS3 server is : ts3-myonlinewar.verygames.eu
Application Requirements :
Remember that applying for this Battlelog platoon and getting accepted does not make one an Official Member of the MyOnlineWAR and does not grant one privileges reserved for Official Members. This platoon is the Community Fan platoon of MyOnlineWAR only. If you would like to apply for an Official Membership at MyOnlineWAR, please make sure you comply with the following requirements :
-Own Battlefield 4
-At least rank 20
-K/D ratio of at least 0.50
-Skill of at least 120
For more information about how to make your application, please visit our application webpage at : http://my-online-war.eu/?page_id=201 [my-online-war.eu]
Contacts :
CEO / Founder & Main Community Manager : LORD_WALLABI
Our website can be found at : http://www.my-online-war.eu/ [my-online-war.eu]
Our forum can be found at : http://forum.my-online-war.eu/ [forum.my-online-war.eu]