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Created: 2014-04-04

21,715 / 35,000

359h 50m
Founder: JaminFool
"Back in BC2 there was a trophy called "the Dentist". It was two headshots with the repair tool. What started as innocent fun with the repair tool quickly became a guilty pleasure with the knife. By guilty pleasure I mean the sweet rush of Pure Tagdrenaline. There's something special about that moment when teh knife penetrates. Delivering to your hand, the innocence and pride of the poor bastard lying on the floor in the form of shiny tagaliciousness. The knife goes away. You look around. The Heart races. Palms sweat. Breath quickens. And damn, I just owned that Fool....Tagvana.

That's how TAGS began.

Who are TAGS? TAGS is a loose association of a-holes with a desire to stab and lol.
Our priorties are:

#3. #1 after #2.

We believe in organic Tagging. That is, we do not participate in knife only events.

To join TAGS simply apply. All applicants will be granted a probationary position to allow the rest of the clan to get to know you and to see if you would like to stay. We want to have fun and everyone get along, being a team player is important, being the best is not; this will be the major guideline for vetting new members. If your under 21 try not to act like it and all should be good.

The TAGS scripture:
1. Thou shall stab when possible.
2. Thou shall join the side of any other TAGS member when possible.
3. Thou shall be a team player.
4. Thou shall yell "TAGS!" whenever you take someones innocence.
5. Thou shall, when possible, shoot at the feet of an enemy while another member stabs the poor fool. (Tag Fading)
6. If thou would'st Tag another clan member, send them a message first: "So it begins"

TAGS aims to be an open community in which everyone with an interest is invited to apply. To ensure that we can all get what we want out of the community, we're announcing the implementation of our new Faction setup. There will be the general membership of TAGS to which most anyone may join(this platoon). There will also be several elite factions headed by senior TAGS members. Any senior TAGS member(leaders of this clan) is welcome to start a new faction based on whatever they would like. Faction heads will determine their own requirements for membership and approval is at their discretion, not mine. Members of factions should join the general membership, but whatever.
Tag or Die. Pure Tagdrenaline. Taglicious. Tagasarus Rex. Tony Montana sized pile of Tagcaine. 15-second Tagcation. Tagbaggery ©2012 JaminFool."
This is our platoon for Battlefield 4
Est. Battlefield Bad Company 2 09'
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYpPr1J9rPQ [youtube.com]>


I used to be part of TAGS back in bf3 but left not sure if silver7orchid is still playing on here or not, but if i can could I please rejoin back in i finally got my ps4 back.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry but nobody has been active in awhile
8 years ago