[LKC] Lucky Killers Clan

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Created: 2014-02-28

6,405,532 / 3,306,000

2888h 31m
Being active on LKC TeamSpeak is a prerequisite for joining the clan.

All Clan members have a free reserved slot on all LKC servers. Don't forget to fan the platoon!

Please note that acceptance into the platoon does not mean acceptance into the clan. Please do NOT put on the clan tags until you are accepted into the clan. You can submit an application to join the clan at: http://www.forums.luckykillersclan.com/viewforum.php?f=6 [forums.luckykillersclan.com]


In response to your restart concerns let me explain. Official servers do not Scramble, allow you to move, kick, or ban a player. In addition, they do not EVEN the teams based on count so you can have a 4 to 6 player disparity from one team to the other until new people join. DICE are you KIDDING ME, it is unbelievable they let this go on but they do.

I pay quite a bit money each month to keep this server running and as such I like to see it full. So the only way to accomplish this is by running it as an Official server. When it is set to Official it will send the people that go to the Multi-Player screen and click Play Now to my server. Thus it fills up fast but with mostly NEW players. If I set it to Ranked I can do EVERYTHING, move, kick, ban, BALANCE, you name it I can do it. However, you DO NOT get the Play Now people and thus it can go empty and stay that way for long periods.

So my ONLY recourse to BALANCE my server when these RANK 140's and Clans come in to enjoy raping noobs is to...drum roll.....RESTART the server. Ugly as it is I have NO other way to balance...except of course asking these (ass wipes...oops did I say that out loud) people nicely to switch teams AFTER the end of the current round they are RAPING in. What do I get most of the time..it varies but some do OTHERS respond like the post below and have NO regard for my server or others who want a competitive game.

With that being the case I DO NOT WANT clans, or rank 140 players coming into MY server that I pay for and RAPING new players. Does this make any sense to you numb nuts, do I need to spell it out differently, do you want to give a $100 a month so you can come in and Rape all you want. I think not. So please know there are literally 100's of servers you can play on that are both Ranked and Official and cater to higher rank players like yourselves.


Thank you for understanding.

Kboucher - OWNER
9 years ago • 2 likes
You forgot something, you restart your server with 10 tickets remaining. Have some respect for the players that play there.
9 years ago