[172] 172nd IN BN

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Website: gamer31b.wixsite.com/172nd • Created: 2016-01-25

13,353 / 29,000

279h 23m
172nd Infantry Battalion, a service member made MilSim open to all willing to particapate and build the ranks. Visit our website for more info,


holy shit no ones posted here for a while
7 years ago • 0 Like
i mainly excel as a scout sniper. but can do all the other stuff as well. but my strength is as a scout sniper though.
8 years ago • 0 Like
-UCP for All members in home server.
-ERDL when on OP, or raid, or war. unless directed otherwise.
-Marpat for SF and HQ.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)
-Cusoms and courses will be given. Asking permition to speak when a higher enlisted/Officer is speaking.
-Giving the greeting of the day, (goodmorning sir/sgt/sergeant major/first sergean)
-addressing superiors by rank, Sir, Sgt, Sergeant MAjor, First Sergeant. as well as subordinates, Private, Specialist, etc.
-Following orders without argument.
-No Team Killing
-No use of FLIR, or NVG capabilities unless directed by BDE Level or higher.
-No use of non-NATO weapons or MOS specific Vehicle (Unless you're SF)
-No disrespect
-Use Tact when addressing a problem, i.e. settle it in privae with the correct chain of command first line supervisor.
-Use of chain of command, reserve all questions and comments to your first line supervisor.
8 years ago • 0 Like

62nd IN Company
199th Armored Company

Infantry Company: 61IN
Armor Company: 61EN
Special Forces: 61SF
Brigade level soldiers (Commander, XO, SGM): 61HQ

Any aviation MOS will fall under either Armor company or Infantry Company deplicting on which vehicle you specialize in, i.e. attack, or transport.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Special Forces-
Special Forces, Once the Title of Raider, Explosives Expert, or Reconnaissance is Achieved, They are not restricted to NATO weapons. During the Pipeline however they are restricted to very harsh restrictions and training and tests during the pipeline.
SF is lead by the Raider Assault class as Commanding Officer. This Position leads SF on training operations as well as regular Ops, he is the Squad Leader.
SF has to be activated by the commander and the commander only to be used in anything official such as wars or raids on behalf of the 61st, and can only be deactivated by the commander as well. NOT THE COMMANDING OFFICER, THE COMMANDER OF 61st BDE.
Regardless of activation status, SF Claim the Tag "61SF" and are treated as commissioned officer by all enlisted personnel.
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
During the Pipeline training, Failuire to pass the training will result in a forced Re-Class, or kick from the MILSIM. Reclass options wil be the Infantry equivalent to that X-Ray class, i.e. Infantrymen medic, creweserve gunner, scout sniper.
8 years ago
36X is the only SF class that can be activated alone for certain missions. All other Classes must be Activated as a whole. (All 4 members) and Deactivated as a whole.
8 years ago
MOS's Offered
_11B: Infantry._
-This MOS class can range from, Assault (Medic) to Support (crew-serve gunner) weapons are your choice, being medic, we only require you carry defibs, and a med bag, and use a NATO weapon, ex: M16A4, M4, M9, P226, Glock18, AUG, FAMAS, etc. Support we only ask you carry a ammo pack, your other tools are up to you to carry, we require NATO weapons for all classes, in Supports case we require LMG's to be used, ex: M249, M240B, M60, AWS, etc.
_36B: Scout Sniper._
-This MOS falls into the Infantry company, and falls into an infantry team/squad but is its own classified skill set. We only require this class to use NATO weapons such as the P226, scout elite, M9, and so on.
_12B: Combat Engineer_
-This MOS can fall under either Infantry or Armored Companies depending on your preference. Armored being your either a TANK or APC driver/Gunner, or Aviation being a pilot or Door gunner. This MOS is also restricted to NATO weapons. The infantry side, your primarily Anti- Tank, Anti- personnel, running with Infantry Teams/Squads with boots on ground._11X_: Special Forces Candidate Raider_
-This MOS is reserved for truly the best of the best, you have to choose this MOS from the beginning and under go the "Pipeline" or basic training for this MOS in truly the hardest envirionment and requirments this MILSIM has to offer. Once completed this MOS is only restricted to either The Assault Class, or Support Class. Weapons and tools have no restrictions to NATO, it is strictly your preference with this MOS.
_36X_ Special Forces Candidate Reconissance_
Like 11X, THis MOS is reserved for the best of the best Snipers with no restriction to NATO weapons or equiptment, THe only restriction being the Recon Class.
_12X_ Special Forces Candidate_Explosives Expert_
Like 36X and 11X this MOS is reserved for the best of the best Engineers with no restrictions except for the Engineer Class.
8 years ago • 0 Like