[2nd] 2nd Platoon

  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
Created: 2014-02-27

128,441 / 152,000

1215h 58m
In honour of Remlof62 who is the actual founder of 2nd Platoon.


Why do you ban me? and make your server private if it's member-only.
5 years ago • 0 Like
why ban me?
8 years ago • 0 Like
Why are you banning players that are better at the game then you?

scared of losing your 0.98 K/D?

don't make your games server public if you too salty not to handle getting owned
8 years ago • 0 Like
Why do you ban people trying to play on your server? If you don`t want people to play there don`t make it public. Says a lot about your clan does it not?
9 years ago • 2 likes
was playing on these noobs server and was whipping there arses then boom banned cause your a non member....wat a bunch of wankers.....
9 years ago
Had the exact same thing. :P
Played several matches, then destroyed their team with a bunch of randoms in gun game, suddenly, banned!
9 years ago
Why would you ban a public player from your server? makes no sense. if you don't want people playing on your server don't make it public. being banned for not being a member is a poor showing from your clan.

Nice recording of me getting banned from your server. Thanks. :P
9 years ago • 1 Like
Why would you ban a public player from your server? makes no sense. if you don't want people playing on your server don't make it public. being banned for not being a member is a poor showing from your clan
9 years ago • 2 likes
Lads and Ladies, Kindly advise why you would ban someone. It seems a bit odd to just randomly ban someone without inquiring if they really are hacking. There are a lot of good SA players on there that pull of some amazing things. Sadly I am only a humble level 140 with tons of hours in this game as well as in BF3. I invite you to learn from players that have played this game rather than accusing them of hax and then banning them. Spectating them for a while and inquiring how they play well should be a means to learn from. Have a good day =)
9 years ago • 0 Like