[DHDV] Des Hommes Des Vrais

Created: 2014-11-10

3,500 / 33,000

326h 19m
Certain d'entre vous pensent qu'ils ne se battront pas... et d'autres qu'ils ne le pourront pas. Ils disent tous ça avant d'être dans l'arène. Ecoutez... enfoncer ça dans la chair d'un autre homme et ils vont vous applaudir et vous aimer pour ça et vous... vous pouvez vous mettre à les aimer... pour ça. En fin de compte, nous mourrons tous. Nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas choisir notre mort mais... nous pouvons décider comment aller à sa rencontre. Afin qu'on se souvienne de vous comme Des Hommes, Des Vrais !

MAJ Juillet 2015: De récentes recherches indiquent qu'Ajax était le premier Véritable Homme, fondateur de la Lignée.


This is the Wall of Laments. Players who've been REKT by the correct way by DHDV squad.
8 years ago • 2 likes
He likes his own comments, lmao! And his low iq-ed leather slave yann had to chip in his 2 cents, as told by his gimp master, so cute you 2.....
8 years ago
you guys suck
8 years ago • 0 Like
Any new words in your vocabulary darkroomhunter? Its always REKT or cheater or kickvote, no skills besides whine and wishing others cancer.... DES HOMOS, DES VRAIS..... tells the whole story about this bag of inbred dicks when you study this "wall of laments", probably had to google his answer as well...type in google, what do I write to people who are mean in games....cant even feel sorry for kids who obviously are beaten on a regular basis in anything they try, ergo cant help themselves being dicks in games to compensate the beatings, specially at school....a frustrated inbred kid, is more dangerous with a keyboard then a terrorist with explosives, you guys just underline this theory....
8 years ago • 1 Like
Did you like the Metaban Stupid fools
8 years ago • 0 Like
Danish fool
8 years ago
get REKT idiots
8 years ago • 1 Like
Retarded clowns
8 years ago • 1 Like
So take Notice useless Kiddies! From now your Member" DarkHunter & YannLFRH " are Blacklisted on every BF4 Server! Also marked as dirtyplayers! His Nicknames, ID´s are shared soon to every Serveradmin! So we prefer you stop insult us with your childish behav! Also this Game is 18+! Oh in case if you rename, dont worry we track you!
8 years ago • 1 Like
DarkHunter56 ; Fuck Idioten Platoon
8 years ago • 0 Like
DarkHunter56 : IDIOT & NOOB
8 years ago
was really fun with you darkroomhunter, too bad I should feel sorry for you since your french, but thank god exceptions can be made.....just proved to me and all others on the server, that kids shouldnt be granted access to keyboards, just embarrassing to wish others cancer, proves how mature you are and how lonely you must feel in your room. Good luck with getting through puberty!
8 years ago • 0 Like
darkhunter french noob
9 years ago • 1 Like
founder ill noob who votekicking everything plays
9 years ago • 0 Like
DarkHunter56 you idiot
9 years ago • 3 likes
all votekick
9 years ago • 0 Like
hahaha this is just a bunch of retards, votekicking just cause they get rekt
9 years ago • 2 likes
déjà merci a vous 3 de m'avoir ajouter en ami, maintenant si vs me voyez co faite moi signe kon se voit sur TEAMSPEAK pour faire plus connaissance : )
9 years ago • 0 Like
salut les gars , notre association multi gaming recherche des joueurs pour completer notre équipe BFH. ca vous interesse ? allez voir notre site pour plus d'info intoxzone.fr. @+ ;-)
9 years ago • 0 Like