- The ACS has as primal objective bring clan leaders all over the world and so they stick together on a private platoon
- The project has as final objective bring periodic large scale battles (friendly only) among clans
- Only the clan leaders can join the platoon
- We dont need to use tag or emblem of the platoon, the only intention is to make a multi team society who intend to have x10, x16 and x32 games periodically for fun, not for competition.
- All games have to be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance.
- All team leaders have to be committed and be active, being always participating on games (at least one game per month) with their teams
- The leaders, clan must have at least 16 members to be added to the ACS
If you are interested to join our project, please contact one of our founders on PSN: Midolahud | KingDylan901 | xEL1TESN1PERZx | DexterBR- | Joker13_BR
* Platform: PS4 []