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Website: www.thevarangianguards.com • Created: 2014-03-03

66,509 / 67,000

570h 56m
Don't Try To Join This Clan Unless You Know You Can Handle The Pressure.

DEAD MAN BANISHMENT: No other clan on Xbox Live runs this policy. Member getting this tend to hate us after trying their hardest to come back in.

The Motto of The Varangian Guards is:
"It's Not Personal, It's Business."

TVG is a clan of dedicated friends. To be a true Varangian, loyalty is first. You need to learn some rules to play and respect your fellow players, and dedicate yourself to playing this game over all others. TVG is not a clan for everyone, it's for players who like playing with teammates and playing BF4 and the next upgrades of this game. It doesn't matter how good you are, it matters that you are loyal to the clan and like all TVG members. We try to HELP all our players on and off this game. That's the way we've always been.

We treat everyone with respect, no racism, no judgements, no hassle. Please do not join if you are under 18 years old, although you can fan this clan and play along with us. Don't join if you're a white guy who thinks he's a black gangsta and mimics gangsta-speak, but we accept all races and religions. If you're someone who thinks you're so good, everyone else must bow down before you, it's not gonna happen. We just say "Stare at yourself in the mirror and say "I Love You" over and over again if you think you're great". because this clan doesn't care unless your expertise is used to help and promote TVG, and your ego isn't like a bad rash.

We are slowly testing and signing up THE BEST TVG PLAYERS ONLINE. No explanation needed. Our new TVG members are handpicked by me for their strong loyal qualities and dedication to BF4 and TVG. We receive 3 - 5 membership requests a week, and we don't accept everyone.

Our new members understand that "WE" is more important than "ME", No drama is allowed in TVG. We DO NOT support current TVG members posting on other clan websites who have been "banished". Many ex-TVG players can NOT remove this banishment label from their mind, and obsess over us. However, they're "persona non grata" to TVG. We don't care about them. This isn't a "keyboard war". It's BF4 gameplay and camaraderie. You can easily see the comments and actions of loser clans libeling me, harassing the clan members, and trying to interfere with the BUSINESS OF OUR CLAN'S BRAND.


1) DO NOT REPLY TO EX-TVG PLAYER CLANS OR THEIR MEMBERS____ EVER. At some point, legal action will take care of it.

2) Do not disparage any TVG player in a party or publicly.


4) No Pussy-ass teabagging ANYONE. If you're that lame and need your balls scratched, get laid. Think of something creative to show your dead enemy who's boss.

5) Desertion to start your own clan, whiney girlishness, or constant "private chats" about other clan members just means instant death...(total TVG Banishment), just like the armed forces of any country will do to any soldier who leaves the clan to start their own.


If you want to join TVG, be ready to discover jerks, wannabees, jealous girly-types, and attempts at sabotage. In other words, being a Varangian Guard means you're loyal to this clan, but also ready to handle the freaky drama ex-TVG clans will try to bring to us.

To find out what a "Varangian Guard" is, you can look up the term on Wikipedia and read the history of one of the top 10 most feared fighting force in the last 1200 years. It's a great read, and we ask you to support Wikipedia with donations.

If you've been invited to this clan, it's because we've recognized you as having more maturity and character, and best of all, your determination to be loyal to you friends in TVG, which means you never leave this clan within BF4 and its upgrades. Other games, that's your business, but BF4 IS TVG. If you want to know about the roots of our clan, check this nice youtube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhdqJen6DFg [youtube.com]

I know I don't have to say this, but I will for new members: Don't respond to the trolling kiddies who try to attack or more expected, allow them to lure you away from TVG.

SUMMARY: Why worry about flies when you're an eagle? As your enemy, we welcome you to hell, but as your friend, we welcome you to the Brotherhood of the Seventh Most Respected Fighting Group in Civilization --- the Varangian Guards.

Prove you belong.

Thank you.



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5 years ago • 0 Like
"You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." - John 8:44. So now time has exposed the true liar and he has abandoned you as was foretold. Fortune was with those who saw the truth and abandoned the dying vine for more fertile soil. Oh what glorious fruit could those vines have borne if not for the rotten red root and all its scorn. RIP TVG
8 years ago • 0 Like
Glad to see this shit died finally, pathetic bunch of plebs :^)
8 years ago • 0 Like
We've been noticing a lot of TVG members popping in and out of our games on the opposite team. I know you guys have different rules when it comes to friends outside the clan, and I know no one likes putting their score or stats up for a bad out come when playing against FRIENDS, but we have dedicated servers where teams could be appropriately managed?! We do consider you guys friends, and we don't mind squaring off against the TVG, the tight gameplay is always fun, but if you guys are ever interested in an organized skirmish or would like to join forces on one team,? We would be more than willing to open any of our servers for a more privatized or controlled game environment!
10 years ago • 2 likes
I can not speak for my clan, but I really like this idea. And I shall talk to the clan about this offer you have given us (TVG) and we will get back you on this matter at a later date.
10 years ago
hello can i inform the clan about xXJohno00XX has been hacking bf3 A LOT.
i dont know if the clan cares but is stated in the rules that he would be kicked from the clan all together if found cheating. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/1/77536468/333489062/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
one of many bf reports for proof
thank you
10 years ago • 0 Like
thank you for contacting TVG about this problem Sir. Can you give more detail on him cheating. I want to hear from you how you think he was cheating.

10 years ago
Infidels Pooping are glad to have been able to ally with your team. We hope TVG and it's combatants will have countless partnerships as well as professional skirmishes that are able to remain in neutrality and friendship. May the POOPING be good and plentiful!!!
10 years ago • 2 likes
Always great to hear from x's TVG members that weren't DMB. From myself and the new TVG members in the 3rd TVG rebuild. Would be very keen play along side the POOP clan.
we shall see you on the Battle Field :D
10 years ago
10 years ago • 1 Like
I have watched and learnt from the best of YouTube gamers. And i have come across LevelcapGaming. I Rooster Gunney, orders all of TVG members to watch at least twice a week and learn with me and getting better with me. So we as TVG can can grow stronger and get closer to that victory as a TEAM.

LevelcapGaming Web site: http://youtu.be/P8ifCUbP8l0 [youtu.be]
10 years ago • 2 likes