
Latest login: Iraq Iraq


name 0==={;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>JoOoKeRyyy
CLAN 0==={;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>1HiTy
FrOm 0==={;;;;;;;;;;;;>Iraq
GaMe 0==={;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;>bf3•CSGO°Rainbow 6°
counter strike° GTAv°Fanurite°PuBg pc and Mobile
WEaPoNs 0==={;;;;;;;>M16A3•44•REX
HaX 0==={;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>yes :)
add\text me for 1v1•2v2•3v3•4v4•5v5...
10-10 hit to kill enemy
Aim 10°10
@ my skill in B Flag 10°10
@ my skill in ESL 10•10
@ my skill in M16A3 10•10
@ my skill in REX 10•10
wHo can Win Vs me?

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