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Competitive Battlefield 4 player

Playing for team: Union

[BFCL] Battlefield Clans League achievements:
√ Battlefield 4 - Championship "BFCL CUP #6" 15x15 [RBL] [Union] - 1th place
√ Battlefield 4 - Championship "BFCL CUP #7" 5x5 Domination [Union] - 3th place

[BNL] Battlefield Nordic League achievements:
√ Battlefield 4 - Nordic League 8x8 Division 3 Season 4 [Union] - 2th place
√ Battlefield 4 - Nordic League 8x8 Division 1 Season 5 [Union] - 3th place
√ Battlefield 4 - Nordic League 8x8 Division 1 Season 6 [Union] - 2th place

[ESL] Electronic Sports League achievements:
√ Battlefield 4 - ESL 8x8 Conquest Winter Cup 2015 Europe [Union] - 3th place
√ Battlefield 4 - ESL One 5x5 Summer 2015 Qualification Cup CIS [Union] - 1th place

Other Championships and Tournaments achievements:
√ Battlefield 4 Community Cup 15x15 [Hard/Soft CQL] [Union] - 1th place

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Refrectos
AkhtiaR is only sharing this with friends.