
Latest login: Kuwait Kuwait


New Acc :
اقترب لناس حسابهم وهم في غفلة معرضون
Bye :3 , i will miss u all <3
(( و في انفسكم افلا تبصرون ))
Retired ..
150 Heli Service Star
150 Jet Service Star
125 Assault Service Star
Scout Heli 75 Service Star
M16 500 Service Star
AEK 150 Service Star
AN-94 125 Service Star
KH2002 100 Service Star

#1 Heli 1vs1 Dogfight [XBOX]
#15 Scout Heli Dogfight [XBOX]
One of the best Infantry Players [XBOX~PS3]
Clans: [XBOX]
KMIKZ (x117)
Reaspect Pro Gamers (RpG)
SyK Logical (SyK)
Devil's Revenge (DrV)
InFoRm (In)
The Assassins (AsS)
and many more.... :)
ApeX Gaming
CraX Gaming
XTra Team
RevenGe (ReV)
iG Team
and more.... :)
Sorry to everyone i talked bad about him when i rage <333
Special T
ApeX____Pain is only sharing this with friends.

70 Friends