▓ Me:
╠ Name: IDoNotLikeYou2
╠ Another account: I do not know the name
╠ Country: Slovakia
╠ Origin is fake god! Steam is the real god!!
╠Steam: Arikaj
▓ My computer:
╠ CPU: Intel Core i5-750 at 2.6Ghz!!!
╠ RAM: 8G
╠ OS: Windows 10 - 64bit
╠ GPU: Gigabyte GTX650 2GB
▓ My favourit maps:
╠ Operation Metro [CQ]
╠ Damavand Peak [CQ, RUSH]
╠ Noshars Canals [CQ, TDM]
╠ Bandar desert [CQ]
╠ Armored shield [CQ]
╠OP locker
╠Paracle Storm