Hi, If you are a person who I played with a round or two ago, and was pissed off. Do be better and be dankier next time! :D
If you are a player who loved my sick dank gameplay, go add me... I'll add you back. :D
My story:
I'm a gaming veteran who likes mmorpg's, online fps's, rts's,and rpg's. I happen to kill alot so keep me calm. that's pretty much what all i have to say at the moment.
MY STEAM : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Chrometastic/
MY BATTLE: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/trevorfenlon007/
MY BATTLENET: Trevor007 #1129
MY TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/trevor2472/profile
Chr0m3tastic won a round of Team Deathmatch on Operation Locker