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[P3NG] rAzbErRyLeMoNaDe
[BRED] rAzbErRyLeMoNaDe
[P3NG] rAzbErRyLeMoNaDe
Battle Feed
ranked up:
Gunnery Sergeant V
Rank 30
3 years ago
View Battle Report
started playing China Rising for Battlefield 4
China Rising
4 multiplayer maps taking place across the Chinese mainland
Air Superiority Game Mode
5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4 and 2 additional gadgets
2 new land and air vehicles
10 new assignments with their own unlocks
3 years ago
started playing Dragon's Teeth for Battlefield 4
Dragon's Teeth
4 all-new multiplayer maps set in Asian cities
5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
2 new gadgets: Ballistic Shield and the R.AW.R. unmanned ground vehicle
Link together capture points to win the battle in the new Chain Link game mode
10 new assignments with unlocks for each
3 years ago
started playing Close Quarters for Battlefield 3
Close Quarters
Get plunged into frantic and relentless infantry combat on 4 new maps
HD Destruction lets you reduce entire locales to ruin
Earn 10 new weapons and bring them back to the base game
Complete 10 new Assignments and equip 5 unique Dog Tags
3 years ago
started playing Naval Strike for Battlefield 4
Naval Strike
4 all-new multiplayer maps set in the South China Sea
2 additional gadgets and 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
Introducing the amphibious hovercraft vehicle
Carrier Assault game mode which is a re-imagining of the classic Battlefield 2142 Titan Mode
10 new assignments with their own unlocks
3 years ago
started playing End Game for Battlefield 3
End Game
Four new maps designed for high speed combat and action
Three new vehicles including the fast and agile dirt bikes
New dropship provides support to ground troops
Return of the classic Capture The Flag game mode
3 years ago
started playing Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3
Step into the role of the elite U.S. Marines
Experience full scale warfare on maps of truly epic proportions
Unrivaled destruction - say goodbye to campers
3 years ago
started playing Battlefield 4
Battlefield 4
All-Out War - The freedom to do more and be more
Levolution - Change the face of the Battlefield
Frostbite™ 3 - An unmatched level of visual and audio fidelity
3 years ago
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