I love kill noobs, haters and the best kill noob clans that hate D3eS <3
Pilot of attack helicopter of D3LiRiuM <33 Orgulloso de serlo actualmente por todos los pilotos tan buenos que ha tenido D3LiRiuM
-Member of D3LiRiuM (D3eS)
-Member of Azione Karma (AK4)
-Exmember of Gold Rain (Gold)
-Member of Paranoia (P)
-Member of coordinatioN (cN)
-Exmember of HopefulS (HpS)
-Exmember of KARMA (KAR)
-Exmember of CVP3 (CVP3)
Unos de los fundadores del Team Spain BTF4 PS3 y líder aéreo.
Winner of the tournamment of asault in Spain 2014
Winner of the tournamment of conquest in Spain 2015
Todo es paciencia, nada martirio, bendita demencia, que viva D3LiRiuM.