Latest login: Japan Japan


どもども弾幕です 暇しながら麻雀や艦これなどしています

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  • DANMAKU_NITORI purchased SPAS-12
  • DANMAKU_NITORI purchased M1903
  • DANMAKU_NITORI purchased AKS-74U
  • DANMAKU_NITORI started playing Dragon's Teeth for Battlefield 4
    • 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in Asian cities
    • 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
    • 2 new gadgets: Ballistic Shield and the R.AW.R. unmanned ground vehicle
    • Link together capture points to win the battle in the new Chain Link game mode
    • 10 new assignments with unlocks for each
  • DANMAKU_NITORI started playing Final Stand for Battlefield 4
    • 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in cold, northern Russia
    • 2 new experimental Battle Pickups: XD-1 Accipiter, a remote controlled weaponized drone and Rorsch MK-1, a handheld railgun
    • 1 new stationary weapon: the Schipunov 42 multi-barrel gun
    • 1 new gadget: DS-3 Decoy, a disinformation device
    • 1 new attachment: Target Detector, an automated spotting device
    • 2 new vehicles: a fast, agile snowmobile and the HT-95 Levkov hover tank prototype
    • 13 new assignments with unlocks for each (5 Premium exclusive)
  • DANMAKU_NITORI started playing China Rising for Battlefield 4
    • 4 multiplayer maps taking place across the Chinese mainland
    • Air Superiority Game Mode
    • 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4 and 2 additional gadgets
    • 2 new land and air vehicles
    • 10 new assignments with their own unlocks
  • DANMAKU_NITORI started playing Naval Strike for Battlefield 4
    • 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in the South China Sea
    • 2 additional gadgets and 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
    • Introducing the amphibious hovercraft vehicle
    • Carrier Assault game mode which is a re-imagining of the classic Battlefield 2142 Titan Mode
    • 10 new assignments with their own unlocks
  • DANMAKU_NITORI started playing Second Assault for Battlefield 4
    • 4 fan-favorite maps redesigned with the power of Frostbite 3
    • Capture the Flag game mode
    • 5 weapons re-mastered for Battlefield 4
    • Dune Buggy (DPV) vehicle makes its return to the Battlefield
    • 10 new assignments with their own unlocks