
Latest login: Ireland Ireland


For technical support troubleshooting, visit Answers HQ for player to player support:

To contact a Game Advisor:

If you'd like to contact me directly, shoot me a PM on...
....AHQ: http://answers.ea.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/16878606

Please note that I do not address concerns regarding forum account action or forum moderation, and will not respond to inquiries of this sort. Sending profane or abusive messages will result in an extension of your suspension. For disputes, you can contact AccountDisputes@EA.com from your registered email address.

Also, my friends list is an evolving thing. I add and remove people based on many factors, the first and foremost based on the support of Battlefield 4. Please do not take it personal if your friend request is not accepted or you are removed.


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