
Latest login: United States United States


Yes, I have 2 PSN accounts, and will still use them both, but I am going to be using ZeroSifir more predominantly now.

I have a decent headset and am active usually during the week around 1200 PST (GMT -8.00) to around 0300 PST (Local time 1PM - 4AM), weekends are not consistently available to me for gaming, but certain exceptions can be made. I live in the Western US, and I am always up to join a good squad. I am pretty flexible, class-wise, I prefer Assault & Support, but if a good scout chopper pilot is in squad, I'll go Engineer and try my damnedest to keep his ass in the air (and useful; a good enough pilot can make a win out of damn near any situation). Keep in touch, add me on here or via PSN, we'll kill together. Cheers!
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