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Hail to our Master!-- Prince of Earth and Air!--
Who walks the clouds and waters-- in his hand
The sceptre of the elements, which tear
Themselves to chaos at his high command!
He breatheth-- and a tempest shakes the sea;
He speaketh-- and the clouds reply in thunder;
He gazeth-- from his glance the sunbeams flee;
He moveth-- earthquakes rend the world asunder.
Beneath his footsteps the volcanoes rise;
His shadow is the Pestilence; his path
The comets herald through the crackling skies;
And planets turn to ashes at his wrath.
To him War offers daily sacrifice;
To him Death pays his tribute; Life is his,
With all its infinite of agonies--
And his the spirit of whatever is!

Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat

" Nam arma militiae nostrae non carnalia sed potentia Deo ad destructionem munitionum consilia destruentes. "
- II Corinthios X : IV


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