About me: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/OxO__Kamil/
Played competitive in Battlefield for: - [SoN] GIVE ME BACK MY SON - [D3eS] D3LiRiuM CLuB - [Pol] Polish Fighters - [IB] IB competitive - [Su] Special union - [dYe] do You even - [ipp] Ignotum pernix pugnax - [xSA] Saudi Arabia - [vVv] veni Vidi vici - [eF] egg Farmers - [loL] lost of Lamers - [aM] AlMighty - [CTG] Claim to Glory - [GV] Gloria Victis - [TPL] Team Poland - [NOR] Team Norway - [AGBR] AGBR eSports - [IGE] Italian Gamers Elite - [CQP] Conquest Project - [CoeS] CoeS SpaiN - [iD] iDentity - [eA] eternal Absolution - [LvK] Live to Kill - and 1 000 000 000 cws as a ringer