Latest login: France
¤ Joueur Esport T12 ¤
¤ Kill Operating System => KoS Esport ¤
¤ Tank chopper
¤ FFA : Tank, VCI, and Boat Pilot
¤ Team Active : Kill Operating System - [ KoS]
Old Team :
¤ oᴘғʀ™ / ΞSᴘoʀт
¤ IngeNious ™
Qui veux ma taule perdra la sienne ... AAAiihht !
¤ Kill Operating System => KoS Esport ¤
¤ Tank chopper
¤ FFA : Tank, VCI, and Boat Pilot
¤ Team Active : Kill Operating System - [ KoS]
Old Team :
¤ oᴘғʀ™ / ΞSᴘoʀт
¤ IngeNious ™
Qui veux ma taule perdra la sienne ... AAAiihht !
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