Hello everyone.I'm NOOB FPSer. I like Japanese HENTAI game than FPS . FPS is so difficult .
I'm using USB foot pad to aim.
I dont use AR,Carbin. But use DMR only...Fuck DMR!!!
DMR is Sound weapon...
<5/13>DMR was tired...
<8/30>DMR start uryuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
<9/30?>BF4 Update!!! DMR increase damage!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
<10/1> gmkuzura use CBJ best in the world and hao123_jp use JS2 it.
My Emblem call Pannya . Pannya is Japanese HENTAI game.This game gave gmkuzura.Japanese difficult ...but used transreter to play.
Game name is Mashiroiro Symphony.
Girls cute!!!