Eudes_best - Lube hack other rounds too
ToCGlitcH - Lube why are you walling?
dudestopit666 - Hack
Sauntering - Nice hack monkey
GeorgeJoseph7 - Lube you prefiring you are a cheater
HakimHades - Stop hack
kujo911 - Lube ur a hacker
Enmanuel096 - Goodbye hacker Lube
CrisHanter - Lube is a cheater
Bobby_DigIt - !report lube cheating
topenet - Lube hack rec video
ELDEPRE79 - Hack
krotovxxx - Lube nice walls
AllyasDweller - Nice aimbot noob
Lanval_C - Hack much Lube?
fullautorpgs - Lube turn off that aimbot plox
Gurkha_Prime - Stock weapons + hacks k then
macdaddyb14 - Lube you hack like a little bitch
MaNnOsInSiDeU24 - Lube Salesman is cheating like a little whore
f4ce3ra2er - Hacking pussy
ProphetCHH - Why do you cheat?
SpareSniper - Bro you got ESP
MrKromley - Lube with that aimbot
x-I-X-R-A-Y-I-x - a**hole
Kennethio182 - Turn off your macro please
XxSacredBeastxX - Lube, loving those hacks mate
Godson147 - I think