Latest login: Russia
*About me:
-jet dogfighter
-sometimes my aim is nice.
-currently homeless
-flying on Logitech Extreme 3D PRO
-sounds by 7.1 Dolby Plantronics GameCom 780
#1st scissors bitch in the world
#1st 1vs1 jet pilot in Russia/CIS(inactive)
#1st (PlayClaw license) League Real Battlefield. 14x14 Conquest(Season - Autumn 2012) - Team Paravoziki
#2nd League Real Battlefield. 14x14 Conquest(Season - Winter 2013) - Team GC/Paravoziki
#3rd CIS Jet Dogfight Community Cup 1x1 ( Autumn 2012)
*Team history:
-Team Paravoziki
-Gentelmen's club Team
-BumblebeeBomge.eSports (Hobo with a hornet) added 09/04/13*
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