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Battlefield Veteran:
Battlefield:Bad Company | Battlefield 1943 | Battlefield:Bad Company 2 | Battlefield 3 | Battlefield 4

Got to Rank 100 under 20 days of total gameplay. Mostly focus my skills on Assault, Engineer, Support and Recon classes. I do very well with ground vehicles. I mostly do Conquest matches. I believe in Teamwork. My knife gameplay was magnificent. Was asked to join vVv and I left D3vZ.

My skills has improved since BF3, I'm powerful in Domination and Conquest. My skills are focused on ground level as Land Master. Keep in mind I do not lack flying experience with any Air Vehicles. I mostly role with Assault Class in a Non-Vehicles Map battles, sometimes Recon Class when I need to. I'm overall dependable as a Team-player and dominate any orders when given as much as I'm capable of.