
Latest login: United States United States


Being BANNED By GGC for Bullshit "Video Driver Hack" reason.
Hi! Welcome to my Battlefield 4 personal data page!
Based in Daly City, CA, United States. (15min drive to San Francisco Downtown)
Played Battlefield for 6 years on PC platform ONLY...
Feel free to add and play together.
You guys may find me in the MeatLocker Pistol Server often.
Currently an ML&MG member.
Also, play CS:GO @LEM Rank.(Give up))
Currently Desktop Settings:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K @ 4.00GHZ
8.00 GB DDR4 RAM
GeForce GTX 1060
480 GB SSD + 1 TB Hard Disk
HP 2311gt 3D Monitor @1920*1080

99 Friends