
Latest login: Germany Germany


My skill is:
Unstable [ Going full retarded from time to time ]

Age: 21
Born: in Darkness, molded by it

Im a pirate, arrrr. International I guess, fuck borders ;)

Battlefield-Veteran since:
Noob with BF4

Prefered Class:
Prefere to go with Sniper Recon

Prefered vehicle:
SCOUT HELICOPTER, Jet preference

Things I hate:
"Fucking Campers"-Spam-flamer, Engineer-crowded maps, Airburst, C4 Abuse

Things I love:
Long distance Headshots, C4ing Noobs in Helicopters, BF4i TDM Lost Island Server Community <3, My Clan mates :D

Cocks Of Justice (VIP only ;D )
Anti Camp Unit (playing on BF4i TDM Lost Island)

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