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5 months ago
United States
[iFLY] NicelyDoneFTW
#1 Attack Chopper pilot in the USA (#8 in the World) on BFH Leaderboards
- Only Player in the World to have ALL 22 out of 22 Syndicate Assignments completed
- #2 in the WORLD for Match/Game MVP (Lobby Leader) 6,650+ times
- #1 in the WORLD for Gold Scout knife & .357rs pistol
- #1 in USA with a Win/Loss Ratio of 10.75+ (91%) --> PTFO or GTFO
My name is Nicely (yes, actually). I am Founder of The Punishers Clan
- Top 30 U.S.A. Leaderboards for:
Attack Chopper #1 | Scout Chopper #2 | CAT Truck #3 | Kills #6 | Gunboat #8 | Spawn Truck #9 | Handguns #10 | Cash Earned #11 | Win/Loss Ratio #13 | SUV Kills #18 | Trans Chopper #19
- I have a kill streak of 115 (look it up on BFHStats.com)
- I have 50 weapons maxed-out at 100 Gold Service Star level
- 5 vehicles completed at 100 Gold Service Star level
(Attack & Trans Chopper, CAT, SUV & Spawn Truck)
- All 5 classes completed at 100 Gold Service Star level
(Oper., Mech., Enf., Prof., & Hacker
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NicelyDoneFTW is only sharing this with friends.