
Latest login: Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia


★ Clan History ★
• Man of War {MoW}
• Soldiers Hell {sH}
• Colonels Xenophobia {cX}
• Silent Death {sD}
• Blood of Glory {BoG}
• Lion of Heart {LH}
• Respect Pro Gamer {RpG}
• ProJect Z3ro {Z3rO}
• Reges Victores {RV}
• One Nation {1N}
• Lords of Battle {xLoB}
• V1pR eSport {V1pR}
• Brothers of Army {BoA}
• Army of One {Ao1}
• The OverKill {TvK}
★ Weapons ★
• M16A3 <3
• M416
• KH
اللهمّ اجزه عن الإحسان إحساناً، وعن الإساءة عفواً وغفراناً.
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