SQUAD UP! goin players that have the highest scores. a higher score is an indication they DO NOT "lone wolf it". "lone wolfs" or non-team players may have higher kill / death ratios but that's not what makes a great BF4 player. Great players work with squad mates. communicate enemy positions to your team by spotting them with [Q] even before you fire at them. support your teammates by dropping ammo, med pacs, or motion detectors. request objectives.(request orders) from your squad leader. [Q] key. when inside your squads objective perimeter you score 50% more for everything you do. a kill is worth 100. But a kill done within the squad objective area is worth 150. also it helps to concentrate your force on a target when the squad follows objectives/orders. also following squad objectives gives your squad 'squad bonus points' that eventually will get your field perks to level 4. an engineer loaded out with the mechanic field perk and it is at level 4 will do auto repairs to vehicles t