General Gaming Achievements:
Pokemon Go - Caught them all.
Tomb Raider - Raided every tomb.
Crash Bandicoot - Collected all wumpa fruit.
Sims Networth - $99999999999999999999999.
Roller Coaster Tycoon - Created largest and most successful park ever.
Metal Gear Solid - Entire playthrough crawling prone
Assassin's Creed - Assassinated them all.
Super Mario Kart - 1st Place Mushroom Cup
Duck Hunt - Killed all manner of fowl.
MoH 2010 statssssz
Battlefield 4 Achievements ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):
- 1st Place Shadow Cup Season 1 [cS]
- 1st Place ESB Season 7 [cS]
- 1st Place Second Assault Season 2 [GV] - Played only final game, did badd
- 1st Place Mrs. Baskin's heart - giggity
you have 1 of ping! YOU. HAVE. ONE. OF. PPPinggggggggg!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh *screeches for another 5min* - diamonbig
Only connection - Swiss
BTW I coined the original term "Sweat-tard," so if you want to use it you will need my consent