Former Nickname(이전 닉네임) is 'Araspiz', 'YangXiaoRong', 'Yuixis'
Always be gentle, humble and modest.
Interested in Scout heli pilot ( 2017.11~ )
18.02.05 : Scout heli kill exceeded 5000
18.03.17 : Scout heli kill exceeded 7500
18.05.16 : Scout heli kill exceeded 10000
18.06.06 : Scout heli kill exceeded 12500
18.06.12 : Scout heli kill ranked top 30 in Republic of Korea
If there are no game, there is no life.....
Friend requests are always welcome XD
(except Campers-똥사개들... plz go away from me)
친구수 제한으로 인해 친구신청은 자리가 나는대로 받아드리겠습니다.