Latest login:
Main / 1st account is "mTw-nGiB" (+1000hours)
Mouse & Sensitivity: Steelseries Sensei Raw (2013-2014) : dpi : 1170 / in game : 0.065651
really not bad : http://prntscr.com/i5mu9k
not bad n°2 : http://prntscr.com/hx0978
not bad n°3 : https://prnt.sc/hw5cug
youtube channel with few shitty vids : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0kmQUhesnWE5-VTDaDH-g?view_as=subscriber
internet connection http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6813216726.png
Main / 1st account is "mTw-nGiB" (+1000hours)
Mouse & Sensitivity: Steelseries Sensei Raw (2013-2014) : dpi : 1170 / in game : 0.065651
really not bad : http://prntscr.com/i5mu9k
not bad n°2 : http://prntscr.com/hx0978
not bad n°3 : https://prnt.sc/hw5cug
youtube channel with few shitty vids : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0kmQUhesnWE5-VTDaDH-g?view_as=subscriber
internet connection http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6813216726.png
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