Latest login: Brazil Brazil


((((( My chanel YOU TUBE - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUijgEfeG1z44Lo7VVSIkw/videos )))))))

BFBC2 Gereral 50

Clan WBB (Wanted Brothers Brazil)

Members ( XxMAVERIC, II I C E II, Xx C O R i N G A, Xx Dr S T O R M, OLI Troly, Paato7, Wanted Linhares, Wanted Matheus, Mirodole, oICRAZyy, wesleyleao, Neto Gervazio)

Best Rank 105

Brazilian with most AIR KIlLS + 60000

Apache 45000 / Havok 11000

kill 124000 / D 48000

videos http://www.youtube.com/user/tairo721
Clan COMF (Comandos Anfíbios) -- The Best Brazilian Team

BF3 - 100 colonel - 86º word colonel

Fly is my passion!!

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