How to become as pro as Zer0Cod3x? Michael Hunt from the Washington Post was lucky enough to get an exclusive interview with him. He wrote:
"Well he listed some extremely helpful tips on how to improve your skills. They included:
- Snipe from the rooftops of Flood Zone, Dawnbreaker and Siege of Shanghai.
- Exclusively use XM25 and Claymores on OP Locker and Metro. Run with the Perimeter Defence perk to gain 3 Claymores.
- Base camp with M142 artillery on Zavod 311.
- Elevator camp with a shotgun on the Hainan Resort hotel.
- Throw flashbangs at your teammates.
- Exclusively run the FAMAS with a 4x sight, flashlight, heavy barrel and bipod.
- Call the enemy with the FAMAS who was not using this loadout who killed you a noob and insult their family.
- Use the Scout Elite with a 40x scope. Also use the suppressor, so the enemies cannot see you on the minimap when bipoded on the Paracel Storm carrier."
Proud Symthic Forum representative, leader of VzV and M420BLAZEIT user.