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My name is Tim, though I more commonly go by TimVanTone online. I am the founder of a gaming community known as CR8, an aspiring health administrator/ lieutenant in the US Air Force , and an avid fan of Dice's Battlefield series of large scale Military game styles.

My dedication towards my CR8 community, I'm currently building a central hub for all my fellow dedicated leaders and members to communicate and share media for everyone to enjoy.

I've been playing playing games for nearly 2 decades starting with Wolfenstein 3D. Now, I primarily spend time with the Battlefield series and Battlefield 4, as it easily boasts the highest intensity of large scale battles that demands high amounts of teamwork to win the battles.

Preferred Console of choice
This is a very common question that is asked of me and here's your answer!

I preferably play on PS4 and Xbox 360. Will I get a Xbox One? Of course!