Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your Eyes turned skyward, for there you haven been, and there you will always long to return
A Free man who born as a King. Who died as a slave
Former Wingmens: los-fw25, o_OImNervousO_o,
Craazy____JD, R3b3llyn, lxSp4deZz, SKYNEZZHD, x_Tequilla
1ˢᵗ World Nations Tournament IIII (WNT) Germany Undefeated Champions!
1ˢᵗ ESB G4G Glory Series 15v15 CQ League Season 1 with pp
1ˢᵗ Cc International Cup with VeNoM eSports
2ᶮᵈ Fraggednation Season 4 with Ao1 undefeated Ladder King 14-0