
Latest login: France France


flo3310 AKA "Flo" or "Florian". Born August 10th.
Founder of [FUN] Family with Marer67 on 07/072012. We do not play competitively, but you may challenge some [FUN] guys in public servers.

Played games : Call of Duty (1 => MW3) - Zombies
Battlefield 2, Bad Company, Bad Company 2, BF3, BF4
GTA (All)
CS 1.6 / CSS / CS:GO
Assassin's Creed (All)
The Last of Us <3
Rocket League
The Witcher (OMG <3)

Favorite gun : AN-94 (true fanboy) and attack chopper/tank pilot.

No Aim Assist - Sensitivity 28%/80% - HS (Red) / Killshot (Green)

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