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Oceania's top Mobile Artillery operator

Greetings uneducated philistines I am none other than fps_grandma who graces Battlefield with my very presence! I am a truly magnificent and flawless player and tactician whose abilities are simply out of this world! Thus any fault I experience is genuinely attributed to latency and external factors beyond my control.

It absolutely pleases me when I blow a load of six large phallic projectiles all over the place and all over your face with my Mobile Artillery!

Unless proven otherwise with sheer teamwork or ability I personally approve of, you incompetent Cro-Magnon will only hold me back from greeting my adversaries with a storm of death!

Finally I will not allow low-life plebeians to take my golden Mobile Artillery Service Star 100 dogtags that easily.

Bask in my unholy glory and begone! Ha ha!

Drive-by/fly-by/sail-by shooting music:
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