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Craaazy V1ruZ
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8 months ago
[eXp] Craaazy V1ruZ
[eXp] Craaazy V1ruZ
[vipZ] Craaazy V1ruZ
[eXp] kamekiriyyyyyyy
[vipZ] Craaazy V1ruZ
[Q] kamekiriyyyyyyy
[Q] kamekiriyyyyyyy
[eXp] kamekiriyyyyyyy
-Competitive Player
#3 5th DeSBL Domination 5v5 Season
#1 6th DeSBL Domination 5v5 Season
#1 63th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#3 64th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#2 71th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#1 72th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#2 75th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#2 76th ESL Squad Obliteration 5v5 Weekly Cup
#3 77th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#1 78th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#1 01st ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup Europe
#1 79th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
#1 02nd ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup Europe
#1 80th ESL Squad Obliteration 5v5 Weekly Cup
#1 03rd ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup Europe
#1 81th ESL Domination 5v5 Weekly Cup
-My Setup
AOC Gaming Monitor G2460VQ6
Turtle Beach Stealth 420X+
Xbox One X
Xbox One Elite controller
"I like MnK" Trololol
Battle Feed
started playing Second Assault for Battlefield 4
Second Assault
4 fan-favorite maps redesigned with the power of Frostbite 3
Capture the Flag game mode
5 weapons re-mastered for Battlefield 4
Dune Buggy (DPV) vehicle makes its return to the Battlefield
10 new assignments with their own unlocks
3 years ago
started playing Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3
Step into the role of the elite U.S. Marines
Experience full scale warfare on maps of truly epic proportions
Unrivaled destruction - say goodbye to campers
4 years ago
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