A day comes in every man's life when he must plan for the future. That day, my noobs, is not today, but that day is indeed near! After all, life is but a Kirspy Kream doughnut, jelly....
I like shootguns, stabknives, banggrenades, zapbrillators and jeep stuff.
My 240B has a FLIR/2x Magnifier, HB & Bipod.
I try not to lick the windows in a vehicle, but it's just so damn hard not to.... especially when the snozberries taste like snozberries.
My terrible internet connection is no joke: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2766612104.png
Please visit Oye4Ozzie Productions:
~ 2EZY or 2HRD?!: https://youtu.be/qmgmR_Y6xVY
BF4 Alt Tanking Acct: Q_Q http://imgur.com/F9boH79
Tanktage! https://youtu.be/jjJxwT2UfnA
Random Facts: Ozzie is Oye
60M Vehicle Score with 0 points in Air Superiority, 20,000 Repairs, 18K Kill Assists, Mastered 85+ Weapons. M34 Incendiary Grenade: 20KPM & 685% Acc.