My dads account is NZ_honky (BlazzedHonky)
Founder of former platoon (HCA) High Caliber Assassins
HCA scrim record:
HCA vs ozzy 3/0 win
HCA vs LOCQ (A team) 4/2 (but loss by ticket count. pussys)
HCA vs iNFK 3/0 win
HCA vs GSD 1/2 loss
Some fan boy on PC copied my clan name and my emblem but failed making the emblem LOL
"The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug."
#3 in the world for VDV Buggys kills
#15 in the world for GROWLER kills
#44 in the world for M4A1 kills (#1AU/NZ)
#297 in the world for engineer score
#116 in the world for G18 kills (#2AU/NZ)